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(802) 656-2201


(802) 656-2200

Main Desk


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Library Hours for Thursday, February 20th

All of the hours for today can be found below. We look forward to seeing you in the library.

Howe LibraryTBD

Special CollectionsTBD

Media Services8:00 am - 7:00 pm

Howe ReferenceTBD



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Study Spaces at Dana

The Dana Health Sciences Library has a variety of study spaces available that are ideal for individuals or groups, quiet, collaborative or online work. Here is a full list:

Group Study Rooms and Study Pods (4 rooms, 2 pods available):

Dana's reservable study rooms are available to currently enrolled UVM students, faculty, and staff and UVMMC employees. The two small rooms (120C and 120D) are equipped with whiteboards, power, and Ethernet connections and have a capacity of 2-3 individuals. The two larger rooms (120E and 120F) have wall-mounted monitors suitable for connecting a laptop. Room 120E has a capacity of 4 and Room 120F has a capacity of up to 6-8 individuals. Study pods are single user booths with a chair and shelf. Reserve any of these spaces for up to 2 hours at a time*. Make a reservation online.

*Reservations are for up to 2 hours per group per day. Library users are welcome to renew the room they are using if there is not another upcoming reservation. Renewals must be done at the Main Desk with the key in hand.

Dana Main Conference Room (Capacity 8 – 10):

The Dana Main Conference Room has a wall-mounted monitor with computer (keyboard and mouse available at the Main Desk). Users can also connect a laptop to the monitor. UVM students, faculty, staff, and UVMMC employees can reserve the room up to 2 weeks in advance. Please contact the Main Desk at 656-2200 to make a reservation. For day-of use, a daily calendar is posted on the door of the room. Individuals and groups can hand write in reservations for times that are not already reserved.

Dana Classroom (Capacity 18):

The classroom is furnished with 18 moveable desks and chairs and contains an instructor's computer and projection system as well as a monitor. Personal laptops may also be connected to the system (for instructors only). Classroom reservations are for instructional use for Dana Health Sciences Library employees, Learning Commons colleagues and UVM affiliated departments. Faculty and researchers can reserve the classroom for non-curriculum-based sessions, events, or workshops by emailing the Main Desk at [email protected]. Reservations can be made up to 6 months in advance. The weekly schedule for the room is posted on the door. During the time that the room is not reserved, it functions as additional study space for students, group or individual.

Please do not write on the schedule that is on the door. When the room is not scheduled, it is for general use and cannot be scheduled day of.

Dana's Three Main Study Areas, North Study, South Study & Quiet Study:

Dana's North Study and South Study are for quiet collaboration or individual study. If the group will be talking constantly, please consider reserving a group study room. Please make sure to respect those working around you when having conversations. For Quiet Study talk out there, think in here. Please be respectful of fellow students and create the environment you want to study quietly in. 



Library furniture includes large tables, standing and modular desks, "Brody" pods and desks, and soft seating throughout. For additional information about the library, go to our visiting the library webpage.