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Search the UVM Libraries' collections

Research Databases

    This resource provides bibliographic records, some with links to full text, for the research and professional literature in nursing and other allied health fields such as physical therapy and athletic training.
  • Google Scholar
    This resource provides access to scholarly literature including articles, theses, books, abstracts, court opinions, technical reports, patents and many other document types. See Instructions to display UVM links to full text articles.
  • Ovid MEDLINE
    This resource is used to find scholarly and evidence-based articles from journals in medicine, including nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and health care administration, plus allied health fields and biosciences.
  • PubMed
    This resource comprises over 25 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations and abstracts include the fields of biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering.
  • UpToDate
    This resource contains descriptions of medical diseases and disorders and is designed to be consulted by health care practitioners as they evaluate potential clinical diagnostic and treatment options. It also includes drug information, medical calculators, images, patient information in English and Spanish, continuing medical education modules, and links to full-text journal articles.
  • Web of Science
    This resource provides access to the scholarly literature across the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, and includes citations to journal articles, conference proceedings, symposia, workshops, and more. It includes a cited reference search feature that enables users to trace the impact of individual scholars' work.
Database Name Database Focus
e-Anatomy is an interactive online atlas of human anatomy. It contains CT, MRI, radiographs, anatomic diagrams, and nuclear images of over 6,700 anatomic structures and more than 670,000 translated medical labels.
Human Anatomy Atlas (Visible Body)
This interactive atlas provides 3D views, animations, and quizzes by regions, systems, cross-sections, senses, and muscle actions. The atlas can be quite slow to load the first time it runs, but should be faster after that. This resource does not run in Internet Explorer.
Use this resource to access comprehensive diagnostic and treatment information in many accessible forms.
Use this resource to access comprehensive diagnostic and treatment information on a range of neurosurgical topics in many accessible forms.
Use this resource to access comprehensive information on surgical techniques and interventions in many accessible forms.
Create professional scientific illustrations in minutes. Our access model changed as of April 1.
Case Files Collection
This resource contains the cases from McGraw-Hill's Case Files book series, in an interactive format. These cases help students learn and apply basic science and clinical medicine concepts in the context of realistic patient cases.
Cochrane library
Consists chiefly of 7 databases: Cochrane database of systematic reviews; Database of abstracts of reviews of effectiveness (DARE); Cochrane central register of controlled trials (CENTRAL); Cochrane database of methodology reviews; Cochrane methodology register; Health technology assessment database (HTA); and NHS Economic evaluation database (NHS EED).
This resource is used to find scholarly and evidence-based articles from biomedical journals, and is especially strong in its coverage of drug and pharmaceutical research.
This comprehensive database of Latin American and Caribbean health sciences has more than 880 thousand records of peer reviewed journals, thesis and dissertations, government documents, annals of congresses and books published since 1982. It includes systematic reviews, randomized controlled clinical trials, evidence synthesis, health technology evaluation studies, economic evaluation studies, clinical practice guidelines, technical reports, case reports and others.
A peer-reviewed, open-access journal that promotes educational scholarship and dissemination of teaching and assessment resources in the health professions.
medRxiv (pronounced "med-archive") is a free online archive and distribution server for complete but unpublished manuscripts (preprints) in the medical, clinical, and related health sciences.
This resource is used to find scholarly and evidence-based articles from journals in medicine, including nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and health care administration, plus allied health fields and biosciences.
This resource comprises over 25 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations and abstracts include the fields of biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering.
USMLE First Aid
This resource includes full-text e-book study guides for the United States Medical License Examination (USMLE). The content supports preparation for the USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2 CK, USMLE Step 2 CS and USMLE Step 3 exams, and general topics including pathology and pharmacology.
Bates Visual Guide
Videos demonstrating head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques.
Natural Medicines
This is an evidence-based, full-text resource for information about natural medicines, dietary supplements, and complementary therapies. Comprehensive monographs are provided for hundreds of foods and herbal substances, including information about their safety and effectiveness, dosing and administration, adverse effects, and interactions.
Pediatric Care Online
A collection of clinical resources and toolkits covering a broad spectrum of pediatrics. Includes the Red Book Online, the AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care, and a variety of quick reference and well-child resources.
This resource is a clinical search tool for research evidence including systematic reviews, clinical trials, and medical images and videos.
This resource contains descriptions of medical diseases and disorders and is designed to be consulted by health care practitioners as they evaluate potential clinical diagnostic and treatment options. It also includes drug information, medical calculators, images, patient information in English and Spanish, continuing medical education modules, and links to full-text journal articles.
This resource is a diagnostic decision support system designed to aid health care practitioners in the diagnosis of visually identifiable diseases. As the clinician enters patient findings, it creates a differential diagnosis of visually identifiable diseases, drug reactions, and infections. The database contains many images from people of different ages, skin colors, body size, and other variations that can affect the recognition of these visible symptoms of disease.
This database is a free online resource from the U.S. National Library of Medicine that provides high-quality, authoritative health information for the consumer. It includes a medical encyclopedia, with articles, images, and videos; health topic pages with carefully selected links and references to the medical literature; drug and supplement information; and much more.
Consumer Health
Contains the Micromedex databases: POISINDEX, DRUGDEX, EMERGINDEX, PDR, Martindale, TOMES, and Drug-Reax, and Tomes, and the drug information tools: Martindales, PDR, Material safety data sheets prepared by the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, and Index nominum.
This resource helps researchers and institutions to create, review, and share high-quality data management plans that meet institutional and funder requirements. It compiles up-to-date funder requirements from large grant-awarding organizations and federal agencies. It also provides links to funder information, suggested answers, and additional resources.
Ethnic Diversity Source
This resource provides access to scholarly and popular publications related to the lived experiences of African Americans, Arab Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, Jewish Americans, Latinx Americans, Multiracial Americans, and Native Americans including journals, books, videos, and primary sources.
This resource provides access to articles on all topics relating to gender, sexuality, and women's studies. It includes articles from scholarly and popular journals, newsletters, and government reports. Most articles are available as full-text.
Global Health (via CAB Direct)
This resource covers international applied life and environmental sciences literature, including journal articles, books and book chapters, conference proceedings, newsletters, reports, and gray literature.
Google Scholar
This resource provides access to scholarly literature including articles, theses, books, abstracts, court opinions, technical reports, patents and many other document types. See Instructions to display UVM links to full text articles.
Health Poll Database
This resource covers health-related US surveys run by the Roper Center, including questions and results, demographic crosstabs, and trends are available on health-related topics from social determinants and influences on health to insurance, costs, and health-care utilization.
LGBTQ+ Source
This resource provides access to scholarly and popular publications including journals, books, and primary sources. It also includes an LGBTQ+ thesaurus with about 10,000 terms. The underlying database is also known as LGBTQ+ Life.
JCR (InCites Journal Citation Reports)
This resource allows you to evaluate and compare journal impact factors using citation data drawn from thousands of scholarly and technical journals and conference proceedings in the areas of science, technology, and social sciences.
Kanopy streaming video
This resource is a platform for streaming video, including feature films and documentaries from around the world. Faculty note: please contact Multimedia Services if you need Kanopy videos for teaching, as access varies over time.
LWW Health Library
This resource contains textbooks, cases, videos, animations, and quiz banks for medicine, pharmacy, and other health sciences.
OECD iLibrary
This source provides access to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) statistics, articles, and books related to economics and economic development.
This online data and mapping application gives access to indicators about U.S. communities and markets covering demographics, employment and socioeconomic indicators, housing, crime, health, and more, at multiple geographic levels. Users can access data in interactive maps, tables, charts, and reports.
Sage Research Methods
This resource provides step-by-step guides through the entire research process. It includes books, videos, case studies, datasets, and other learning tools for researchers at all levels.
Web of Science
This resource provides access to the scholarly literature across the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, and includes citations to journal articles, conference proceedings, symposia, workshops, and more. It includes a cited reference search feature that enables users to trace the impact of individual scholars' work.
Online resource for physical therapy students, educators, and practicing professionals.
Nursing & Health Sciences
This resource provides bibliographic records, some with links to full text, for the research and professional literature in nursing and other allied health fields such as physical therapy and athletic training.
Nursing & Health Sciences
FA Davis Physical Therapy Collection
This resource contains nearly thirty physical therapy reference books, a wide range of cases designed to help students learn in the context of real patients, and over 400 videos designed to teach exercise and rehabilitation techniques, kinetics, and physical therapy interventions.
Nursing & Health Sciences
Lippincott Nursing Books@Ovid
This resource contains the complete full text of thirty-two Lippincott Williams & Wilkins nursing e-books.
Nursing & Health Sciences
This resource provides bibliographic and full-text coverage of journals and books covering all aspects of sports, including sports medicine, physical fitness, kinesiology, exercise, health education, movement science, injury prevention, rehabilitation, physical therapy, nutrition, and exercise physiology.
Nursing & Health Sciences
Alexander Street Counseling
This resource provides access to streaming videos for the study of counseling, social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling. Videos often include demonstrations of a certain counseling technique or method. Browse by therapeutic approach, counseling method, presenting condition, therapist, or subject and search videos by keyword. Clips can be made and saved to a personal library. Full videos or clips can be linked or embedded.
Psychology & Psychiatry
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
This resource, abbreviated as DSM-5, is the fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) classification and diagnostic tool of mental disorders. The 2013 update includes a comprehensive overview of each listed disorder as well as detailed information regarding the specific criteria required for a diagnosis. This manual is intended to be used by both healthcare and mental health professionals.
Psychology & Psychiatry
Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI)
Use this resource to find information on measurement instruments such as questionnaires, checklists, rating scales and tests in the health and psychosocial sciences, organizational behavior, and library and information science. For reviews of tests, Mental Measurements Yearbook is preferred.
Psychology & Psychiatry
Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in print
This resource, published by the Buros Center for Testing, includes standardized English-language tests and measurements used in education, early childhood development, reading, speech and hearing, psychology, and related fields. It contains descriptions, professional reviews, and pricing information for the tests, but due to copyright limitations, does not provide the actual test instruments.
Psychology & Psychiatry
This resource features the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5-TR) and The American Journal of Psychiatry as the cornerstones of a collection of psychiatric references. It also includes books, journals, medication information handouts for patients, clinical and research news, self-assessment tools, and previous editions of the DSM.
Psychology & Psychiatry
This resource contains international scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, books and dissertations in psychology and the social, behavioral and health sciences. PsycInfo is the most comprehensive database for literature in the psychological sciences. Note: we also have access to PsycInfo on the ProQuest platform.
Psychology & Psychiatry
Published by the APA, this resource provides information on thousands of psychological, behavioral, and achievement instruments. Measures, tests and scales are included, and in some cases, the actual instrument can be viewed and downloaded.
Psychology & Psychiatry

Additional Databases and Guides