In a perfect world, every time you clicked on a Find It @ UVM link in a library database, the article you're looking for would pop right up. Yeah, we all know that doesn't always happen. Sometimes the journal website says "page not found" or invites you to sign in or pay for the article, or all you see is an unhappy page icon. We're sorry. We really don't mean that to happen, but the web is constantly changing and sometimes we're just a step behind.
The good news is that the UVM Libraries has a team ready to troubleshoot, find you your article, and fix the problem so it doesn't happen the next time. Just click on Report an Electronic Resource Problem, found on the Help menu on our homepage, and let us know what happened. If you can't find the link, just chat or e-mail with Dana and we'll take it from there. Someone will look into it and get it fixed just as quickly as we can. We can often find a work-around that will let us send you the article while we're investigating.
Often, a problem turns out to affect all journals from the same publisher or something, so we can fix them all at once. The minute you take to let us know what's wrong can save you -- and everyone else -- a bunch of time. But if no one lets us know, we might not stumble on the problem for weeks, and that costs everyone time. So when you run into trouble with any e-resource, let us know!