Dana Medical Library has new titles that include topics on musculoskeletal imaging, emotion in clinical settings, normalizing mental illness and neurodiversity in entertainment media, and others. Some of our newly updated titles are Atlas of Histology, 13e, Bates’ Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 9e, Handbook on Stuttering, A, 7e, and Meeting the Physical Therapy Needs of Children, 3e, among others. We also have 2 new collections: Access Surgery, and Case Files Collection. Access Surgery contains surgical textbooks, videos on surgical techniques, and an extensive collection of test questions to help with ABSITE and Board Review. Case Files Collection is a comprehensive case collection that helps students learn and apply basic science and clinical medicine concepts in the context of realistic patient cases. See full details for all of these titles here and listed below.
Dana keeps up to date on the newest book and e-book editions as they are released to keep on top of current information. We frequently advertise new and updated e-books so keep an eye out!
Search for these e-books, along with others, through CatQuest on Dana’s website or ask the Main Desk for assistance.