Every four years the University of Vermont Libraries run an important, nationally-benchmarked electronic survey that helps us learn how our users view library services, collections, and facilities. Dana Medical Library is very interested in opinions of our collections and services from the University of Vermont Biomedical and Health Sciences Community.
Past survey responses have directly impacted library planning, leading us to:
- renovate library learning spaces
- create additional group study rooms
- add new quiet study spaces
- expand our electronic collections
- redesign library websites
Complete the Survey Here
I hope you will choose to respond. I can assure you that if you participate, your responses will be held in confidence. No identifying links between responses and the individual responding will be retained. Completing the survey will give Dana valuable information with which to make future decisions.
Participants can enter a drawing for gift certificates to UVM’s bookstore.
If you have any difficulty in accessing or taking the survey, please contact Lynda Howell.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration!