Finding health sciences curriculum resources can be a difficult task. Many people turn to PubMed first, but this may not be the best choice in many situations. There are two primary reasons for this. One, there may not be anything in PubMed on the topic. Two, PubMed mostly indexes articles about education topics, but not the actual curriculum materials themselves. In many cases, educators would be better off searching another database that focuses exclusively on health sciences education materials – MedEdPORTAL.
“MedEdPORTAL is an open access journal of teaching and learning resources in the health professions published by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).” Each article is actually a teaching or learning module that consists of a detailed description and the curriculum materials (e.g. PowerPoints, videos, quiz questions, etc.). These materials can be downloaded and used for free. Each module has also been implemented and evaluated so that educators can get a sense of how successful the module was and what potential changes they should consider when adopting it for their own classes.
Educators can also submit their own teaching and learning modules to MedEdPORTAL. All of the information needed for the submission process can be found on the author’s page. Please contact a librarian at Dana Medical Library if you need assistance with either submitting to or searching MedEdPORTAL.