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Library Hours for Wednesday, March 12th

All of the hours for today can be found below. We look forward to seeing you in the library.

Howe LibraryTBD

Special CollectionsTBD

Media Services8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Howe ReferenceTBD



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Please Wear Your Mask – No Really, Please Wear Your Mask

The Dana Medical Library follows the same guidelines as the UVM Forward posts found on Face Coverings Guidelines page. Their “guidance was developed in accordance with guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Vermont Department of Health (VDH), and the Vermont Occupational Safety and Health Administration (VOSHA)”.  After nearly two years of COVID restrictions and constant recommendations for people to wear masks, it should be obvious and assumed that people will. Library staff however have to ask a few library users to wear their masks or to wear them properly, every day, multiple times a day. We don’t want to have to ask. You don’t want to be asked. Please wear your mask. 

Library staff have seen all of the tricks to avoid mask wearing. We know where the seats are that people think they can’t be seen. We have seen the same people, eating the same bag of chips for hours, one chip at a time, every time a staff member walks by. To be clear, eating is allowed in the library. Under UVM guidance, you are allowed to remove your mask when: “you are taking a break to eat or drink; you must wear a face covering when you are finished eating/drinking. You cannot walk and eat unmasked while indoors”. The rule does not mean you can leave your mask off for an hour while eating your one bag of chips or taking the occasional sip of coffee. Please put your mask back on before moving around and before you start talking with your study group. On the point of group study rooms: masks are required in the groups study rooms unless you are alone. Masks must be worn in the library at all other times, not just when you see someone walking by. Masks should cover your nose as well. 

By far the majority of library users mask consistently and for that we Thank You. We really are all in this together. Every. Single. Person. The least that you can do to protect your community and yourself is by masking properly. Nor do library users have to wait for a library staff member to ask another library user to wear a mask. “Any UVM student, faculty, or staff member may report non-compliance to the UVM COVID-19 Information and Service Center at [email protected] or (802) 656-1010. The Center for Student Conduct has information about student's expected behavior at UVM”.

If you mask string breaks or you need a spare, disposable masks are available at the Main Desk of the library. Thank you. Stay safe & healthy and please, wear your mask in the library.