Welcome from the Dean of Libraries
We are thrilled to welcome you to campus, whether you are returning after some time off or joining us for the first time.
Howe LibraryTBD
Special CollectionsTBD
Media Services8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Howe ReferenceTBD
We are thrilled to welcome you to campus, whether you are returning after some time off or joining us for the first time.
The UVM Libraries offer “Random Chats About Statistics,” a new workshop series, led by Statistical Design and Data Specialist Maria Sckolnick. Stop by these monthly sessions with your questions for open dialogue and assistance.
Located in the South Study Area by the Restrooms & Small Group Study Rooms, the vending machines will be accessible during After Hours Study as well as when the library is open!
Don't like carrying your laptop all day? Or just need to check your e-mail quickly? We have PCs you can use.
The Dana Medical Library has acquired several new models for use in studying gross anatomy. The models can be checked out for use within the library for 2-hour periods.
MICROMEDEX is a suite of databases offering comprehensive drug, disease and toxicology oriented information for health care professionals and patients and can be accessed on the Dana website.
UVM is returning to in-person operations on August 2. Many of us have been working remotely for over a year; for some, this will be the first time back on campus since that memorable day in March, 2020. If your technology has gotten used to working in its pajamas, it may need some refreshing too.
Printing, scanning & photocopying can now be found at the front of the library. The print release stations have moved to the public computer workstations immediately to the right when entering the library.
Did you know that many of our most popular online resources can be accessed via phone or tablet through their mobile app? You can carry the Dana Library with you!
Welcome! The UVM Libraries will be open for the summer session. Read on for details.